23 is now frog, this website was last updated on January 2020. Read the official announcement or visit frogdesign.com for more info.

Launch Forth

Building a community to shape the future of mobility

Business Challenge
  • Acquisition


  • Mobility
  • Professional Services

Our contribution

Through crowdsourcing, Launch Forth connects businesses to a global solver community of designers and engineers and uses agile manufacturing to develop, build, and deploy mobility solutions.

We improved the product interface and redesigned their platform. Through weekly sprints, we worked on improving functionalities to make navigation and the product easy for the community to understand, explaining how their collaborative model and launching of digital products focused on mobility work.

To date, Launch Forth has managed to unite a community of more than 200,000 problem solvers and launched more than 70 prototypes from drones to autonomous vehicles.

UX, UI, Interaction Design

More Professional Services