23 is now frog, this website was last updated on January 2020. Read the official announcement or visit frogdesign.com for more info.


Scaling-up the leading crypto exchange platform in Latin America

Business Challenge
  • Acquisition
  • Retention


  • Fintech

Our contribution

Bitso is pursuing new users: those who are not experts in cryptocurrencies. In the process, they discovered that the current experience of their applications would be an obstacle to achieve this.

Through a month-to-month collaboration with 23, they increased their innovation capabilities. We empowered their team with strategists, designers, and other specialists, allowing them to launch a new app –powerful but straightforward– in record time. We are dedicated to understanding people, genuinely seeking to understand their motivations, needs, and fears.

This led us to live a design process full of useful lessons for today and the future. We questioned the existing mental models, iterating the user interface thousands of times. We performed findability and discoverability tests and we validated hypotheses with prototypes, all with the sole purpose of simplifying the crypto experience as much as possible.

The result has impacted Bitso’s KPIs and the perception of its users and non-users.

User Research, Strategy Workshops, Product Roadmapping, Strategy, User Experience, Interface Design and Interaction, UX Writing

Bitso iteracionesbitso mockups

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