23 is now frog, this website was last updated on January 2020. Read the official announcement or visit frogdesign.com for more info.


Designing to reflect the values of a Venture Capital firm

Business Challenge
  • Innovation


  • Venture Capital

Our contribution

“In light of this subtle, yet pivotal landmark in ALLVP’s history we decided to hire a firm that was capable of understanding our story and crafting the right visual elements to communicate with our audience.

We soon realized we were getting much more than a new visual identity. Their methodology helped us rediscover our core values of imagination, tough love, discipline and performance. In truth, 23 Design are not your traditional marketing agency. In our first meeting, we warned them not to touch our trademark pink salmon color palette; anything else they could change. A couple of weeks later when they introduced the new identity, they presented a slide with an upside down salmon: “The salmon is dead”–they said — as we all laughed and celebrated the decision of introducing a brighter and stronger color that better reflected what we truly believe in.”

Federico Antoni – Founder, Partner


Brand Strategy, Visual Identity Design.

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