23 is now frog, this website was last updated on January 2020. Read the official announcement or visit frogdesign.com for more info.


Designing a better night’s sleep

Business Challenge
  • Acquisition


  • E-commerce

Our contribution

Luuna changed the way people buy mattresses in Mexico with the concept of a ‘bed in a box,’ by appealing to users that had traditionally never purchased bedding products online and thus improving the shopping experience.

23 designed and launched its first e-commerce website to start selling the Luuna mattress, as well as defining the key messages for the brand to make it desirable and relevant for the Mexican market.

Luuna has become a leader in the industry. In 2017, it raised 5.2 million dollars to continue its expansion, started operations in Thailand, and introduced a variety of different products, including pillows, sheets, and bed bases, among others.

E-commerce Website Design, Front-end Engineering, Key Messages

More 2015

More E-commerce