23 is now frog, this website was last updated on January 2020. Read the official announcement or visit frogdesign.com for more info.


Breaking the mold for media websites

Business Challenge
  • Innovation
  • Monetization


  • Arts & Culture

Our contribution

We helped the business to establish a completely different way of how content-driven platforms should look and behave, letting ASCO express their unique personality to their consumers.

By redesigning their website, we created a fully interactive experience for the users, where they consume information but also play with, and find new ways to interact. We also helped them to monetize it to make a sustainable platform.

ASCO improved the whole experience of consuming information for their user base, focusing on maximizing the engagement and provide new ways to consume content on the internet.

Product Design, Strategy

asco.media HomepageWebsite - Post & VideoMobile Views

More Arts & Culture

More Product Design