23 is now frog, this website was last updated on January 2020. Read the official announcement or visit frogdesign.com for more info.


Attracting talent through design

Business Challenge
  • Acquisition
  • Innovation


  • Professional Services

Our contribution

KTBO is one of the most relevant digital creative agencies in Mexico, with 12 years of experience and a team of more than 200 rule-breakers and creativity passionates.

We collaborated with them to help them redesign their website, helping them find the key messages and the things they value: their trajectory, relevance, and internal culture, to attract talent.

We found that a constant in creative talent is to find a place where they feel they belong, which brings development and growth, and the opportunity to work with people with whom they share values and not just ideas.

Visual Design, UX, UI, Interaction Design

More Professional Services

More Product Design