23 is now frog, this website was last updated on January 2020. Read the official announcement or visit frogdesign.com for more info.

We brand and design game-changing digital products and services, from idea to market.

Design will be the fundamental way organizations navigate the uncertainty of tomorrow.


Companies adopting design are outperforming their peers, increasing growth, speeding time to market, and generating value at a scale never seen before. The value of design lies not only in its power to impact business metrics, but in its ability to transform the way people experience their worlds.

23 combines the best of design's strategic thinking with execution and hands-on implementation capabilities to launch products, brands, and services into the real world.

We influence the creation and growth of leading organizations, seeking to transform the way we all experience our worlds positively.

Our services

Vorana: diseñando una experiencia online para comprar maquillaje

Un caso de estudio sobre el diseño de la plataforma web de Vorana, una tienda en línea de maquillaje pionera en México, en la que trabajamos de la mano de customer service para entender a sus usuarios y mejorar la conversión.

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UX Writers, Content Strategists o qué somos entonces

Sobre la confusión de existir, trabajar y ser piezas importantes de los equipos de UX, pero no tener un puesto definido.

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No le temas a la oscuridad del Dark Mode

Sobre la tendencia de los dark themes en el diseño de interfaces y básicos para adoptarla como diseñadores. (Parte 1)

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The recap of more than four years of strategic design and collaborative work, with countless leaders and 200+ organizations from 30+ industries.
